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Solar Power Generated By You!

When you stay at a Soltice property your money goes towards purchasing more Solar Panels.  When you visit a Solar Station strategically placed near Bike Trail Systems or Plug-In your electric powered vehicle, a portion of your money is reinvested.  The goal is to make renewable energy a community initiative where we can all track our efforts and lower our carbon footprint together.


The competitive advantage.

Create an environment of sustainability and promote renewable energy with plug-in vehicles and solar panels for power at the central hub of every soltice station.  The more each soltice station is used, the more dollars will be contributed to the solar initiative.


Located at the main Soltice Station will be electric vehicle charging stations powered by the solar cells and thus reducing our carbon footprint and increasing sustainability in the community.

Strategic Placement

All Soltice Stations will be located near bike trails because we want to promote healthy lifestyles and also appeal to leisure and adventurous personalities.  The goal is to promote a business of sustainability where everyone can be involved with giving back to the environment and better their communities.


Appealing to Millenials and

Outdoor Enthusiasts

The Great American Rail-Trail is a mega bike trail that would connect nearly 3,700 miles of rail-trail and other multi-use trails to form a path across the country from Washington, D.C. to Washington State.


“When defining the preferred route of the Great American Rail-Trail, we sought a cross-country route that would provide the highest-quality experience while delivering significant economic and social benefits to the communities it connects,” said Liz Thorstensen, vice president of trail development at RTC.

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