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Current yearly cashflow average 2015-2018.  This accounts for 5 properties with 4 proposed properties coming online in the next 6 months.

Current Properties

The line of business that I am currently in is four rental properties currently rented to people that are looked after by Exceptional Persons, Inc. and the house at 1802 Waterloo Rd, Cedar Falls. I also have four years of tax returns that show the actual net income that I am showing in this business plan. I am proposing to purchase five more homes in similar commercial locations as the Waterloo Rd location with similar traffic counts. These homes will be painted the same yellow color as the Waterloo Rd property and have appropriate signage that will advertise the business. I am projecting the future income of these homes to be the same as the four Exceptional Persons homes that I have now. These are projections and the end resulting net income will vary.

front of building.jpg

Current Property Financials


1802 Waterloo Rd.

1219 E. Ridgeway

645 Jane

115 Amity

4016 Rownd Street

Main Commercial Station.

Average yearly income:




Waterloo Iowa.

Average yearly income:




Waterloo Iowa.

Average yearly income:




Waterloo Iowa.

Average yearly income:




Cedar Falls

Average yearly income:




Proposed Property Financials


526 Kirkwood




Waterloo Iowa.

Average yearly income:




Waterloo Iowa.

Average yearly income:




Waterloo Iowa.

Average yearly income:



Cedar Falls

Average yearly income:




Additional potential income




This sign would be on for 16 hours per day and would run two ads per minute.  The sign is currently located at 1802 waterloo rd and advertisements would be run on both sides.



Financial Plan

An investor would own 25% of Soltice Station for:

$1.5 Million Dollars


Soltice Station will then purchase the five properties that I now own and one more in Waterloo Iowa.  I also propose to pay the buyer 2% per year or $30,000 for the first year and a variable rate of up to 8% per year after the first year to be determined by the owners.  As more properties are acquired there will be cash flow to back up the interest payments.  There is enough right now to back up the full $30,000 per year.  Actual income of four properties as per my tax returns.

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